Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Aquamarine - March Stone of the Month

A new month brings a new Stone of the Month. The Stone of the Month for March is Aquamarine. Aquamarine comes from the Latin word meaning Sea Water and is exceptionally hard with an outstanding glass-like luster. It is most famous for its breathtaking sea-blue colors which can range from light blue to dark blue. The more saturated the color, the higher the value, although almost all aquamarine is typically a lighter blue tone. A deeply saturated blue is the most desirable color, but it is very rare in larger specimens.

The Greeks and the Romans knew aquamarine as the sailor's gem, ensuring the safe
and prosperous passage across many stormy seas. Legend has it that aquamarines were the prized possessions of many mermaids and would thus protect sailors from the dangers of sea, including warding off sea-sickness. Medieval sages prescribed water touched by Aquamarine for a host of ills, including those affecting the eyes and lungs.

Aquamarine is a decorative gem that complements almost any skin or eye color, which makes it an all-time favorite for women all over the world. It is a popular gem, universal to wear, readily available and moderately priced, and steadily growing in popularity and demand.

The leading producer of aquamarine is Brazil, with many mines spread throughout the country. Karur, India has recently become one of the biggest suppliers of Aquamarine.

Here at Gems N' Loans we take our gems seriously and Aquamarine is no exception! Throughout the month of March we are offering 50% off the Stone of the Month. Come in today and take a look at our selection. 

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